Tuesday, October 11, 2011

On My Mind Today

Once again I read Genesis 12:2.  The last part of this verse really spoke to my heart.  "You will be a blessing to others.".  That's my heart's desire to bless others.  My prayer today is that the Lord would show me how to live a life of blessing.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekly Menu

Sorry for the absence.  There has been a lot going on.  Unexpectedly my husband had to go out of town and things just kept popping up.  But I'm happy to say, things are getting back to normal.

Even though I'm later than usual posting the menu, I thought I'd go ahead and share.

Saturday:  Chicken Alfredo, Salad, Garlic Bread
Sunday:  Steak, Grilled Red Potatoes and Onions, Okra
Monday:  General Tso's Chicken and Rice
Tuesday:  Quesadillas, Chips and Salsa
Wednesday:  Chicken Sandwiches and fries
Thursday:  Chili and Firehouse Cornbread (if it's cool enough)
Friday:  Eat Out

What's your family having?